Lunge Weight Training Exercise

Lunging is the basis of all Functional Human Movement!

Walking, running, playing sport and work place activities all require lunging at a shallow depth, deep lunging with a load is considered a Resistance Training or Weight Training Exercise!

Lunging whilst carrying a load or weights progresses:

– Goals through metabolic gains
– Flexibility and mobilisation
– Stabiliser and core muscles
– Strength and speed
– Rehabilitation from injury
– Coordination and balance

Lunging is a compound exercise that targets the Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings and Calves.

Lunging with correct form, at full depth, with good muscle activation sequencing typically rehabilitates and remedies knees, hips and lower back anomalies till pain becomes a thing of the past!

Deep lunging to the point your front thigh is parallel to the ground is exceptional and enhances your physical capabilities!
Lunging is a great way to build muscle in the lower body so you can progress to heavier weights in other leg exercises and even other muscles groups whilst preventing fitness routine boredom!

A lunge is often considered a single leg movement because of the step through time you’re balancing on one leg till the other foot lands, this turns on and evolves lots of stabiliser and core muscles!

A lunge requires you to step, bend both knees, maintain a straight upper body and then be able to stand back up again without falling over or losing balance, that’s phenomenal coordination right there!

Lunging is very functional because it uses the body as a group of muscles to create a movement pattern necessary for changing direction in sports.

Our leg and hip muscles account for more than 60 percent of our skeletal muscle mass!

Enjoy a “FREE” Trial Fitness Training session by contacting us via the guzzFit “CONTACT US” form today!