Encouraging Active Lifestyles

Everyone can experience the health benefits of physical activity – age, abilities, ethnicity, shape, or size do not matter.

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health!

Being physically active improves your brain health, weight management, risk of disease, strengthens bones and muscles.

Immediate Benefits:
Some benefits of physical activity on brain health happen right after a session of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
Benefits include improved thinking or cognition for children 6 to 13 years of age and reduced short-term feelings of anxiety for adults.
Regular physical activity helps keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age along with reducing your risk of depression and anxiety, not to mention sleeping better.

Weight Management:
Both eating patterns and physical activity routines play a critical role in weight management.
You gain weight when you consume more calories through eating and drinking than the amount of calories you burn.
To lose weight and keep it off you’ll need a high amount of physical activity unless you also adjust your eating patterns to reduce the amount of calories you’re eating and drinking.
Getting to and staying at a healthy weight requires both regular physical activity and healthy eating!

Doing a variety of aerobic, muscle strengthening, and balance training as an older adult improves physical function and decreases the risk of falls or injury from a fall.
Everyday activities like climbing stairs, grocery shopping, or playing with your grandchildren are enhanced with weight lifting techniques to increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength.

In a “FREE” Trial Fitness Training session via the contact form here at guzzFit we’ll create a Tailored Personal Fitness Regime for you to take away with you!