HIIT Workouts Turbocharge Our Mitochondria Superpower!

This’ HIIT training; a groundbreaking study (Granata et al., 2021) published Dec 3 in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications decrypts how mitochondria in muscle cells – colloquially referred to as cellular powerhouses – respond to different HIIT protocols.

HIIT Workouts Turbocharge Our Mitochondria Superpower!

guzzFit Matt is performing 8 x 2min rounds of skipping with 45sec breaks between rounds, the first 3 breaks are filled with crunches, 45secs is long enough to complete 50 crunches,

Intensity within each rounds is varied using a more intense skipping rhythm, gait and knee height into less intense variations!

These findings pave the way for personalised fitness prescriptions to optimise the health benefits of using exercise as medicine.

Mitochondria turn caloric energy into usable energy. Mitochondrial bioenergetics fuel the creation of energy that keeps us alive and well.
(High-Intensity Interval Training Enhances Mitochondrial Bioenergetics)

Mass spectrometry enables scientists to peer into the mitochondria of our cells and see how exercise benefits these “cellular powerhouses.”

As we age, mitochondria get weaker or deteriorate. Research shows exercise keeps our mitochondria strong to promote well-being!

About 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates, considered the father of modern medicine, prescribed physical activity to keep people healthy. He viewed exercise as a treatment for disease!

We offer a “FREE” Trial Fitness Training session via the “CONTACT” form right here at guzzFit to achieve your fitness goals at the fastest rate!

As we age, mitochondrial defects and the deterioration of our mitochondria’s “energy powerhouse” capacity are implicated in many diseases. The latest (2021) research by Granata et al. untangles how HIIT workouts improve mitochondrial bioenergetics and how they slow age-related decline to prevent illness.

Most people burn more calories in a 20-minute HIIT workout than they do performing steady-state cardio or constant strength training for 45mins. HIIT also fast tracks gains in lung capacity, blood flow and stamina.
In the past steady-state training was the cardio norm. You’d head outside or hit the treadmill for a walk or run, and stay at about the same moderate intensity for the duration of the workout.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a better way!

HIIT involves changing intensity by working harder for certain intervals, then with less intensity for subsequent shorter intervals.
These workouts give you more results in less time!

HIIT involves pushing your body out of its comfort zone for anywhere from ten seconds to two minutes, depending on the workout you’re doing. The idea is to work at about 80% to 95% of your maximum heart rate or a level 9 to 10 on the perceived exertion chart, also known as your rate of perceived exertion (RPE).

Each work set is followed by a recovery period that is shorter. You alternate work and rest intervals depending on your fitness level, time constraints, and goals.

HIIT Training Improves:
– Performance
– Insulin sensitivity
– Post training calorie burn
– Heart health

Have a “FREE” Trial Fitness Training session via the guzzFit “CONTACT” form today!