Hill Sprints with a Higher Heart Rate for Greater Fitness!


“A higher heart rate is a good thing that leads to greater fitness,” says Johns Hopkins cardiologist Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H

guzzFit has developed a mobilisation & muscle activation format so you reach max heart rate in 3 x 15-25sec Hill Sprints at about the 35min mark of a 60min outdoor fitness training session!

100-200m Hill Sprints:

1. Are a great way to combine speed work & strength training.

2. Improve heart & lung health.

3. Raise cardiovascular fitness with increased oxygen demands.

4. Build leg muscle strength similar to squats, lunges, & deadlifts.

5. Enhance Core engagement via powerful arm & knee drives. Stronger arm swings dictate the power & pace of your turnover.

6. Increase turnover (how quickly your feet land when you run), also known as “running cadence”

7. Shorten stride length demanding quicker steps. This increases your running cadence for greater running pace. Increased stride length has been shown to increase the risk of injury whereas increasing your running cadence makes you faster & reduces the risk of injury. Win-win!

8. Improve running form: posture, knee drive, turnover and stride length, so you land more on the balls of your feet or mid-foot instead of your heels!

9. Keeps your chest up, back straight, core tight & shoulders back.

10. Reduces the risk of running injuries like shin splints & knee pain, this’ because the incline recruits large muscles like the glutes & hamstrings whilst reducing the pounding impact & load put on bones & joints.

11. Burn more calories so you lose weight & boost your metabolism, hill sprints torch calories & rev up metabolic rate for hours after the workout, particularly if your hill sprints are at max effort.

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