Fast Fitness Results with Coogee Personal Trainers
guzzFit Group Fitness, Boxing Classes & Personal Training Sessions are scheduled with a highly tailored approach & run by local Coogee personal trainers.
We make this individualised effort to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of every fitness training session for our clients.
I’m the ideal trainer for you if ….You suffer niggling injuries that restrict the types of exercise you can perform.
To become a Senior Centrality Health Consultant I needed to:
- Know that the origin and insertion of every muscle in the body is at an oblique angle and that all movement contains a rotational force along its path.
- Recognise that this rotating force must be accepted and emphasised for the body to work properly.
My greatest specialty is teaching people how to maintain correct form to avoid injury and how to rehabilitate existing injuries.
The sport of boxing requires exceptional understanding of the rotating forces a body generates, this is one of the reasons I enjoy the challenge of boxing sparring every Saturday morning at the Woolloomooloo PCYC as well as the success I’ve achieved in keeping clients injury free no matter how often they train per week or how old they are!
Stretch your Centre Quad before you stretch your Hip Flexor!
Stretching your Hip Flexor (Psoas) regularly is an important stretching effort to perform frequently:
The more time we spend in a seated position the shorter our Hip Flexors are likely to become, short Hip Flexors cause the lower back to curve inward more than it should naturally which makes lower back pain more likely!
Unfortunately you won’t get a Hip Flexor stretch unless you stretch your Centre Quad first, the Centre Quad (Rec Fem) is a bigger more powerful muscle than the Hip Flexor so it must be the correct length before the Hip Flexor can be stretched.
It’s ideal that the Hip Flexor is long enough so that you can keep your pelvis quite neutral whilst moving functionally, a good guide to this, is to establish that the thigh bone can retract 20° behind the line of your spine whilst it’s in a neutral position!
Tight muscles mess up firing orders, tight Hip Flexors take the Glute muscles outside their optimal recruitment range, when a muscle is outside it’s idea position to be recruited you will move slower and even recruit muscles that aren’t meant to be recruited, something that also leads to injury and pain!
Hip extension is the way we generate forward movement, the more optimal our Glutes are situated the faster they can be fully recruited to move forward faster!
To function efficiently and continue to progress the right muscle groups need to fire in the correct order.
“REST” better after a “FREE” Trial Fitness Training Session at guzzFit
Function Better Whilst Progressing Towards Your Fitness Goals!
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Be in the right state with the correct “REST” for recovery.
Tight muscles mess up the bodies ideal muscle firing order.
The Adductor stretch demonstrated in the video is performed with legs placed in an equilateral triangle before bringing your forehead towards each ankle. In doing this you’ll gauge similar muscle lengths of all the muscles in the back of your body down the left side versus the right side. Body muscle symmetry goes a long way towards preventing injuries and pain.
You might not need to stretch your Adductor Muscles as much as is demonstrated in the video above however you do need to stretch them!
If your Glute muscles start to operate outside their optimal recruitment range because the opposite muscle group is tight the Glute muscles will lack strength, this more often than not results in your body recruiting the Adductor Magnus muscles to assist with hip extension.
If your Adductor Magnus muscles are recruited more often they’ll get shorter hence the need to stretch them!
“REST” better after a “FREE” Trial Fitness Training Session at guzzFit
Recovery Therapies to Fix Physical Pain
We’ve studied to excel at using the skills and tools available to rectify and resolve the pains and difficulties experienced in performing fitness training exercises, some examples of these are;
- foam rolling,
- resistance bands,
- stretching,
- core activation,
- waking up of postural muscles and
- encouraging joints within a body to sit more central in their sockets.